Sleep? I think not. 9:50 p.m. 2004-01-15

Yay it works!

I just can't get the older page to work..meh.

I'll figure it out later...

I am so bored. The GC board is closed right now for some reason and I have no one to talk to.

I don't like GC that much, but I have friends on the board.

I figured out how to use paint shop pro, so I've been making loads of blends and things. I'm not an expert at it but at least I know what I'm doing now.

I love Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan. Booya!

I would really like to meet them one day, but I doubt they will ever come to Florida for anything. Hmm..maybe I'll "bump" into them at wal-mart someday..*hint hint*

I just got a gold membership thingy on here, but it hasn't gone into affect yet I guess...

I swear something is wrong with me...

I've been to the bathroom four times in 2 hours and I've only had Mountain Dew lol

Well I'm gonna go, I have to get up at 6 freakin AM tomorrow..ugh. My parents both have to go somewhere in the morning so they are getting me up early and dropping me at school. I can't wait. *rolls eyes*

Night Y'all


Breathe || Speak