Mushrooms are for Merry 10:26 p.m. 2004-01-19


I have a stupid science report to do on what colors attract the most heat. Go me. It's 10:30 and I'm still not done with it. I feel like reading some Elijah Wood fan fiction. I'm such a dork.
I got my third hole pierced in my mom was more freaked out that I was when I was getting it. She kept on making this face like 'Oh my god this is gonna hurt.' It was quite funny actually. But now my ear is throbbing and it's driving me nuts.

My favorite quote of all time if anyone cares:
"I Went to the beach for the day and wrote as much as I could about this incredible experience and where my life seemed to be taking me, etc. I fell asleep, and when I woke up the papers were blowing down the beach and into the water. I sat up and watched until I couldn't see one piece of paper left. I drove home and felt happy."-Dominic Monaghan

Oh yea..oh and this one:
"Viggo left a long message on my machine. He leaves these kind of stream-of-consciousness messages on your machine, like, "Yeah, this is Viggo, I'm eating chicken, I'm wearing blue trousers, the sun is shining..." I always save the messages."

And here is one more for my sick amusement:
"I Went home and tried to make a cake, but the oven broke so I ate raw cake mix, watched TV, felt sick, and went to Billy's."

Those are all by Dominic Monaghan. He rules. Ok now I have to work on this dumb paper, so I'm going now.

Peace, Love, and Hobbits for all!(except for Elijah and Dom. They are locked in an elevator with me in the Hyatt motel. I am not saying where for privacy reasons. :)


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