Boink 1:55 p.m. 2004-01-31

I just took a test, and my hobbit name is Dimple Chubb. Humph.
Wow..I haven't updated in freakin' forever.

Well, there really isn't anything new with me..Seth talked to me a couple days ago at track and field try-outs. He's never talked to me before. Seth is this hardcore kid at our school, he's uber-nice. Here was our conversation if anyone cares:

Seth: You like DC's?
Me: Yup.
Seth: Are they comfy?
Me: Yup.
Seth: You don't talk much do you?
Me: Nope.

Then I walked over to this jungle gym thing and he followed me. Meh.

Seth: Are you going to try out?
Me: No, I'm just waiting for my friend.
Seth: Yea. me too.
Me: *throws bookbag from the highest part of the jungle gym thing, and bookbag lands with a thump*
Seth: *eyes go big*
Me: What?
Seth: I thought you fell!

Then we said goodbye to each other cuz I had to leave. He's pretty cool.
My life is so boring. Oh we're getting wooden floor today...and then in like a month, I'm getting it in my room. Whoopee!

I'm trying to get this whole HTML deal down so that I can make a professional website. Right now I have one on msn about hobbits, which you can check out here
I know the basics and stuff, but still not enough to make a professional webby.

I made cake on Wednesday in honor of Elijah Wood's B-day. All my friend's thought I was crazy.

I have some elvish terms for you guys. They might come in handy someday.

Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina means:
You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.

See, you could use that when you get fired!
Peace, love, hugs, and hobbits!

..::Dimple Chubb::..

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